Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hello World

A little about me. I am kind of over the top, over achiever, never do anything half way. You may be thinking that is a good thing but I assure you it has its down falls too. On Sunday I took one of the steps to refocusing on Afterschooling and I sat down and read through all three of the Core Knowledge books for my children's grades. I took notes, compared, contrasted and came up with an entirely new Afterschooling plan. It really only took a few hours but it was totally worth it. I am not proud of my wishy washy up a little down a little schedules and ideas for Afterschooling but it is what it is. We learn as we go.

We just started a new World History unit (we will come back to U.S. History) and the kids are really taking to it. Each of the Core Knowledge grade levels has a World History unit that I will be using for our studies. We have already learned a song to memorize our 7 continents that Matthew taught us and we are working on our oceans. The kids have each chosen a continent to study independently and they will present a report (based on age related capabilities), a craft, an animal collage, power point of their favorite animal and a culinary night. They are so excited and already on their way to completing their reports and animal collages.

Yesterday was Veteran's Day and the kids had school off so we took their animal research and went to the World Wildlife Zoo. They each took turns taking pictures and reading about animals from their continent. I thought that they would get bored after a few animals but they stayed focused all the way to the end. As we were leaving the park they were still saying, "Hey that duck is from your continent" and passing the camera. Now they will take their digital photos and turn them into a collage to present at their continent night. It was a fun day and a good reminder for me that they want to learn. Learning is fun!

My new blog layout will have a section specifically for our daily schedule. I will have it posted soon in a location that will be easy to change (you know me).

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Sounds like an exciting new unit! I love your ideas.