Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What have you BIN doing?

Well here are the specifics of my little Bin project I have been working on.
Math Bin- The math bin has 5 activity choices one to be done each day Mon-Fri. They choose which activity they want to do on what day. They have to work on Math for a minimum of 10 minutes each day.
1. Worksheets: Matthew is working on multiplication; Spencer is working on Addition and Maggie is working on counting and number writing
2. A list of Math websites they can choose to work on. The websites are specific to each child's need. Example: One of Matthew's websites is
3. Flash Cards: Matthew multiplication, Spencer addition and Maggie counting and number recognition.
4. Math activities that are specific to grade level. I found these activities in the Core Knowledge books.
5. Work books. I love to purchase grade level workbooks for the kids and they love working in them. I just purchase Math leveled books and throw them in the bins. They just work on them for 10 minutes or longer if they choose.

Writing Bins- The writing bins also has five activities for them to choose throughout the week. Again I ask for a minimum of ten minutes.
1. Writing practice: Matthew is working on cursive. Spencer is working on printing neatly. Maggie is just beginning so she works on her name and letters. I print all of my worksheets off of various online sights.
2 and 3. I found these great unit studies for vocabulary on this website It goes by grade level. I put two of the activities/worksheets in their bin each week.
4. They are writing stories as part of our writers workshop found on the Core Knowledge website. The first week I put a story web in their bin and for the rest of the weeks they always have lined paper and plain paper in their bin.
5. Sentence writing practice. I choose two sentences out of the book they are currently reading and they rewrite the sentences exactly the way it is found in the book.

Reading for the summer has LOTS of incentive. First we have our Library reading incentive program. Second they have their reading expedition that encourages them to explore different types of books. Example: this months expedition they have to read a fiction, nonfiction, biography, science fiction and book of poetry. After they read all of them there is a treasure. Third and last summer incentive is our family tradition of "PENNY A PAGE".

Social Studies is dad's job for the summer. He is reading stories and teaching lessons out of the Core Knowledge grade level books.

Science is one Friday a month and it is just a big fun day of Science projects and ideas found in the Core Knowledge grade level books.

Note to all! There are days when we do NOTHING and get NOTHING done. Because in the words of my kiddos, "That's how we do what we do"

Here is the link to the Core Knowledge website:


Anonymous said...

Hi, Wittygal! Thanks for those specifics. It should help me with summer activity planning. Did you develop the reading expedition, or does it come from somewhere else? I never heard of it. Thanks, Long Beach mom

Malie said...

Yeah, thanks for posting all that. Now that camping is out of the way, I can focus on this stuff.