Friday, June 26, 2009

Diary of an Afterschooling mom

Summer is going great! I can't believe how wonderfully the bins are working out. The thing I worry about most is always my own motivation or loss of. I usually start something great and then after awhile it fades. It has been four plus weeks and the learning bins are still going strong.
Most mornings I wake up and they are already working on their Math and Writing. After they finish their bin work they move right on to their chores and by 9:00 with very little coaxing they are done for the day. YEAH IT IS WORKING!!
I love independent activities.. As I am writing this I just heard Maggie ask Spencer to play the Wii and he actually said, "No we still have to do our Math and Writing". We went hiking this morning and we are running behind schedule. VERY COOL!!
I am excited to continue on with the bins and the boys have completed two reading expeditions this summer and are on to their third. They are getting SO good at their math facts, Matthew's cursive is coming along very nicely, Spencer printing is looking nicer and he is getting really good with the dictionary.
I am thinking that the bins are great for the summer but I miss the theme units. So I think that an idea is forming and I will finally be able to define what Afterschooling is for our family. Maybe we will even come up with a Mission Statement.


Malie said...

You're my motivator. Keep going Christy!

Malie said...

Sorry, forgot. I'm curious to hear what your "Afterschooling" idea is. Please share when you've finalized it. I love living here in Hawaii, but do feel the school system here is quite lacking!

Jenna said...

I'm so glad it's working for you! I still have some literacy games for you, they're in my trunk so when I run into you I will have them with me. :)