Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Plan

After reading articles, blogs, visiting websites and well reading up on what Afterschooling is really all about, I have come up with a plan. The article that really gave me direction had no personalized information. This helped me to visualize our own plan and the needs of the children in my family verse going off something someone else has already created. The article did this by giving topics and questions which I was able to answer with ease.

First: Decide what you want to emphasize.
I want to supplement what they are learning in school as well as provide more challenge in the areas of Math, Grammar and Writing
Introduce History
Have a monthly Theme that will provide for our additional learning and experiences that are not available at school
Encourage more reading and older sibling assisting in reading to and teaching younger siblings
Life skills, chores, shopping, cooking, couponing
Spiritual growth

I know this seems like A LOT but not all of these areas I would like to emphasize will seem like school and learning. I also had my eyes opened to the endless opportunities and times to sneak learning into your childs day. I really want to try to make this FUN, I want them to know that learning can be FUN and mostly I want to be right there to tell them how well they are doing and how great they truly are.

Second: Gauge your time.
I would like to spend an hour a day on Afterschooling and 2 hours on Saturdays. Now keep in mind that Afterschooling includes much more than SCHOOL WORK. Our program and the one hour will consist of homework, chores, theme activities, field trips, shopping together, cutting coupons together, cooking together, reading books, doing crafts, and other things.

Third: Find your sources.
This is something I am still working on and that I am sure is never ending thanks to the INTERNET. Here are some of the sources I have already found:
Story Of The World History Curriculum
Home Schooling 101 It has prepared themes with math, science, art etc.
AIMS Education Foundation
Googol learning Good list of resource sites
I am still on the look out and would love suggestions.

So in a nut shell this is the plan. AHHHH I HAVE A PLAN! Now all that's left is getting started, ready or not here WE GO!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't afterschooling fun!!!!! I have been afterschooling for about 5 years now, since my oldest dd8 was in Pre-K. When you consider that learning really begins from the moment they are born (some would argue even from the womb) by way of attending to their needs, reading, talking, playing music, creative play, going to the library or bookstore, playing, etc, then we all have been schooling our children for a very long time! My husband and I have always believed that education does not and cannot only happen in school.

At home, we beforeschool and afterschool math (heavily), spelling, independent reading, handicrafts, arts & crafts, phonics and handwriting. I've just recently completed our Book of Centuries and am in the final planning stages of our first history unit studies. I also plan to implement spanish, unit studies in religion, foreign cultures and character education.

I have really enjoyed looking through your blog and am looking forward to reading all about your progress!!
