Friday, January 16, 2009

Diary of an Afterschooling mom

So this is our 6th week and second Unit Study and things are going great. My kiddos haven't complained once about Afterschooling and actually ask when it's going to start. Of course I say "right now if you want it to", the other day we went for 2 hours and they were having so much fun they didn't even notice the time. This is our typical afternoon: Play outside for 1hr or they can do 30 minutes outside and 30 minutes inside (usually T.V. or Video games). After that we do our down stairs chores grab our homework and head upstairs. We start off with religious studies, right now we are studying from the book Who's Who In The Book of Mormon. After that we do some Unit Study activities and then it's on to homework. They also do their upstairs chores, read for 15 minutes and sometimes have time for Board Games.
I can not believe the transformation of our family. We are so much closer, Spencer said yesterday when he was doing his body drawing that he loves doing things as a family and started making up some song about families are fun together. I can say one thing for me and that is......... I sleep SO much better at night knowing that I am helping my children learn and grow.
However I am STILL looking for other resources for Math, Writing and Grammar, and History to bring into the picture. My GREAT sister in law that Homeschools just told me about Core Knowledge it is a curriculum website with MANY extras. They also have books out called What Your Third Grader Should Know (or whatever grade your child is in). I checked one out at the library today. I am anxious to look through it and look over the website more closely. At a glance I could see the book includes; Science, History, Grammar, Math, Music and other subjects within the book. Hopefully by the end of the month I will be on my way to knowing what I want to do so I can make a plan.

1 comment:

Samba said...

Wittygal...I just stumbled across your blog and was thrilled to see someone doing what I have been doing for the past two months. I never knew it had a name. Now I feel authenticated. It is nice to know I am not alone in wanting to augment my yahoos public school education.

samba in sac