Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am trying really hard to stay focused and ambitious. I love afterschooling and so do the kiddos so quiting is not an option. We have slowed our pace and much of it has to do with mom trying to get the enrichment bins done (more details later).
We started a bug unit last week and we have learned LOTS of great things about bugs. The kids each created their own bug complete with Head, Thorax and Abdomen. They are so creative! Yesterday we learned, King Phillip, Come Out For Goodness Sake! Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Better known as the scientific classification for all living things. We picked some bugs and found a fun website that uses physical characteristics of bugs to search for their class. We got them all WRONG! However it was fun to find out what class they were really in.
So you see we are still ticking just a little slower then before. I just need to wind our clock!


Mark and Jessica said...

I seem to be moving a bit slower over here with everything as well... maybe it's the weather slowing everyone down.

You are still awesome to do this with your kids!! My HERO!!

Mark and Jessica said...

Ok, I have to tell you that when I was looking at your blog this afternoon my kids (Robbie especially) started dancing all over the room to your music.

He was so disappointed when I finished looking and closed the blog - he got a bit upset until I opened your blog again and popped out your music player so he could dance and sing along to Fee Fi Fo Fum.

Thanks for sharing such a fun song!